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GCSE and BTEC Results 2023

Students celebrated with staff this morning and were congratulated on achieving an excellent set of GCSE and BTEC results. Students have been awarded a truly admirable set of grades which improve upon the school’s best ever achievements of 2019. 



The provisional results show our students have achieved 34% 9-7 grades and 84% 9-4 grades with 90% of students achieving GCSE grade 4 or above in English and 87% achieving Mathematics. We commend the following boys who attained 10 grade 9/8: Luke, Adam, Sadeed, Remy and Evan.  A further 25 students were rewarded with 10 or more top grades of 9-7, well done. 

The vast majority of the cohort has chosen to stay at Rutlish and have enrolled on to RR6 courses.  We are also proud of the students who have chosen alternative destinations to undertake a range of exciting courses including catering, performing arts, media and engineering.   






This amazing group of students have realised the Rutlish School vision of Aspiration and Learning alongside Respect and Equality.  We are delighted with achievements of every single student and really pleased their endeavours have resulted in such huge success; very well done!