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Inclusion Department

The Inclusion Department is committed to creating provisions to support a range of students, with diverse needs to gain full and equal access to the curriculum. 

The Team
The Inclusion Team work closely with the teachers in school, as well as a number of outside agencies, in order to give the best possible support to students.

  • Inclusion Manager – Mrs Wildman
  • Deputy Inclusion Manager – Mr Mingle
  • Mentor - Ms Campbell
  • Achievement Mentor – Mrs Schwartz
  • Time Out and Medical Needs Co-ordinator – Mrs Parchment
  • Inclusion Administrator – Mrs Tilly
  • Behaviour and Student Support - Mr Francis


Mentoring Support
Mentoring support is offered to all students at Rutlish School.  Year 6 students joining Rutlish School in Year 7 can start mentoring support, as early as the summer term prior to joining, with the focus being transition support. The Inclusion Manager works with the primary school to devise a transition programme for a smooth and successful transfer from primary to secondary school. 

The aim of the Rutlish School mentoring programme is to enable all students to fully access the curriculum by removing barriers to learning that can occur at any time. Mentoring support includes:

  • Transition
  • Emotional
  • Self Esteem
  • Behavioural
  • Academic

Mentoring is delivered in a number of ways which include:

  • Workshops
  • 1:1 mentoring support
  • In class support
  • Group work support


The Rutlish Inclusion team is supported by a number of people from different organisations.

  • My Futures Keyworker
  • Off The Record Outreach Worker
  • Mental Support Team (TaMHS and EWPs)
  • The Social Workers in Schools team
  • School Nurse
  • Safer Schools Police Officers
  • Education Welfare Officer

Supporting your child

If you have concerns about your child and think they may benefit from additional support please in the first instance contact the form tutor or Head of Year.