Year 11 Graduation
Apart from the summer holiday officially beginning and GCSE and BTEC exams finally finishing, Thursday 20 June 2024 was a special day for our Year 11 students, families and our school community.
Last Thursday, we had a Hall packed full of students, their families and staff celebrating the end of 11-16 education most of which was spent at Rutlish.
After the formal ceremony in the Hall, we hurried down to the Old Rutlishians Clubhouse for a BBQ and to watch the England vs Denmark football match. We arrived just in time for Kick Off.
Year 11 enjoyed burgers and chips, celebration cakes, slushies, and candy floss. To mark and remember the occasion they also took some ‘selfies’ at the photo pod.
A massive thank you to the PTA, especially Mrs Robertson whose contribution enabled many of these ‘extras’.
Enjoy the Summer now Year 11!
Mrs Edwards, Head of Year 11